What kind of traveling companion is God?
God is not a reluctant or indifferent companion; he is a diligent and transcendent companion. Whenever we travel with someone, we seek to know what [...]
God is not a reluctant or indifferent companion; he is a diligent and transcendent companion. Whenever we travel with someone, we seek to know what [...]
In the Bhagavad Gita (18.61), Krishna states that he is directing the wanderings of all living beings from his strategic vantage point, which is within [...]
In the Bhagavad-gita [18.61], Krishna directs the wandering of all living beings. Does this mean he also directs the wandering of our minds? After all, [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan Bg 18.61 Now Krishna explains [...]
Suppose we find ourselves impeded, even imprisoned, by some conditioning — say, our mind keeps becoming jealous or angry, despite our best efforts to fight [...]
We often find ourselves under constant pressure to do things: make calls, answer emails, finish chores. How can we relieve ourselves of that pressure? One [...]
Suppose a coach takes the potential of a budding cricketer seriously. That means even if the player goes through a bad patch, the coach stands [...]
Some people ask, “Why doesn't God love us as we are? Why does he prescribe so many rules?” To understand God’s love for us, let’s [...]
Some people ask, “If God is all-loving, why does he prescribe so many do’s and don’ts? Why doesn’t he accept us as we are.” To [...]
We often operate under the illusion that we are fully independent, that we can do whatever we want whenever we want, that we don’t need [...]
We all have particular qualities, abilities and interests – all of which can be collectively referred to as our nature. Different frames of reference can [...]
We often face difficulties because of outer conditions or inner conditionings or both. If these difficulties seem unresolvable, we may lose hope. Thankfully however, even [...]
Suppose a celebrated sports coach has faith in the potential of an aspiring sports player. If that player lacks confidence, seeing the coach’s confidence in [...]
Some people say, “Everything is God’s plan.” Is it really? Are our mistakes his plan? If some people become alcoholics or commit suicide, did God [...]
People often ask, “If the soul and God are real, why can’t we see them?” But the question begs itself: Do we really see things [...]
In a play, the actors are visible on the stage; the director isn’t. Yet the invisible director directs the visible actors. If we liken life [...]
When some religious people try to convert everyone to their faith, others get put off. They feel, “These guys are fanatical – their devotion is [...]
Suppose we flew to a distant land to meet a VIP whom we hadn’t met before. We landed, drove to his residence and knocked [...]
Some people claim, “ The Bhagavad-gita teaches that we humans have no free will, being just puppets in God’s hands. They often quote the Gita [...]
In life, we all go through various trials. A trial seems especially trying is when it appears pointless, when it seems as if that trial [...]
Just as an appropriate device, say a cellphone, gives us access to a cellular network, an appropriate device, a devotionally disposed heart, gives us access [...]