Needing Krishna to fix us
Meditation begins in earnest when we realize that we need to change from the inside out. We generally turn toward God when things are not [...]
Meditation begins in earnest when we realize that we need to change from the inside out. We generally turn toward God when things are not [...]
The Bhagavad Gita (8.7) states that to remember Krishna throughout our life, we need to dedicate our mind and intelligence to Him. Our mind is [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan We have to remember Krishna [...]
One of our greatest fears is the fear of being forgotten. Why is this such a great fear? Because it plays into another deeper fear: [...]
What are we focusing on: connection or contribution? - While practicing bhakti, we may sometimes become discouraged, thinking, “I can’t make any worthwhile contribution.” To [...]
How can we develop both materially and spiritually?- We may fear, “If we become too spiritually serious, that will undermine our material prospects. Conversely, if [...]
During a pandemic, the medical care providers are the frontline warriors. By their courageous and competent actions, they can save people's lives. When the pandemic [...]
Some people consider meditation to be a scandalous waste of time. They question dedicated meditators: “How can you waste so much time doing nothing? If [...]
Suppose we have something precious that we are afraid of losing. We may keep it carefully, deep inside a secret safe. However, if we don’t [...]
Just as leaves fallen in an ocean are pushed inexorably by waves, we are pushed inexorably by time toward death. Does that mean we are [...]
People often equate devotion with feel-good emotions or ritualistic actions. If they feel good while practicing bhakti or if they execute religious rituals diligently, they [...]
When urged to practice spiritual life, some people stay lethargic, saying, “I am waiting to get an inner call.” However, do we adopt such an [...]
While driving, where we go depends largely on where we want to go. This principle that our aspiration determines our destination also applies to our [...]
Some people think of devotion as an impractical, sentimental, other-worldly obsession. However, the Bhagavad-gita’s context refutes this caricature of devotion. The Gita’s student, Arjuna, wanted [...]
The Bhagavad-gita’s directive (08.07) – always remember Krishna and do your prescribed duty – raises the question: “How can we do both simultaneously? If we [...]
When multiple problems threaten us, we may feel overwhelmed by negative emotions such as self-pity, pessimism and paranoia. Our mind frets about everything that’s gone [...]
Suppose a husband who works out-of-station returns home for vacation. He tells his wife that, while he is away, he remembers her frequently. But then [...]
If we have to leave our home for a long time, we feel agonized. That agony is multiplied manifold when we have to face death, [...]
“How can we remember Krishna while doing our duties in the world?” This question often perplexes devotees. Let’s look closely at the Bhagavad-gita verse (08.07) [...]
Sometimes people ask: “To attain Krishna, do we have to give up all other goals and just devote ourselves to him?” No, because Krishna is not [...]
People often ask: “There’s so much suffering in the world. Does God actually care?” Yes, God cares – and cares more than we can comprehend. [...]