Why we need to transform pain
Why we need to transform pain - Suppose we catch an infection. If we aren’t careful, we will transmit it to others. While we are [...]
Why we need to transform pain - Suppose we catch an infection. If we aren’t careful, we will transmit it to others. While we are [...]
Dealing with the mind’s negativities - Suppose we are trapped in a cell with a cellmate who constantly draws our attention to the many terrible [...]
The mind as our inner cell and inner cellmate - Suppose we are confined in a cell whose walls are filled with pictures of all [...]
Let the mind be - Suppose we have to work with a colleague who tends to hyperventilate. Once they calm down, it’s possible to work [...]
Why wisdom doesn’t automatically make us wise - When we are taught wisdom-texts such as the Bhagavad-gita by its expert teachers, we may learn much [...]
Are we training our mind in distraction or in concentration?- We all have noticed times when we get distracted, sometimes from important things. If only [...]
When living in the present helps and when it harms - “Live in the present” is valuable advice to counter our mind’s tendency to wander [...]
How our mind can be a double agent - Suppose a country’s intelligence agency needs to do a vital mission for which they need a [...]
On parenting the mind - When parents decide to have a child, they know they are taking up a serious responsibility. Undoubtedly, parenting can be [...]
How our mind misdirects our energies - Suppose a child is trying to heat some water on a stove and starts stoking the fire. But [...]
How to get the mind to go along with us? - We sometimes resolve to do certain things that are important for us. But our [...]
How to get away from the mind when it troubles us?- When someone speaks negative things constantly, we may feel the need to get away [...]
10-32: From practice to perfection in yoga 10-32 defines how one will achieve perfection when one is practicing yoga. 16-23: Realization of Paramatma Now Sri [...]
How are material achievement and spiritual achievement different? - We all want to achieve something special. Does this drive to achieve need to be renounced [...]
How can we know when we are gossiping? - Most of us may agree that it’s not good to gossip. We may even believe that [...]
Typical movies have two characters: one who acts in villainous ways and one who is victimized by those villainous actions. But suppose a movie featured [...]
How to monitor and mentor ourselves? - One of the most intriguing verses in the Bhagavad-gita (06.05) urges us to elevate the self with the [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya 10-32: From practice to perfection in [...]
We all know that we can perform better if we could concentrate better. But is concentrating on anything equally helpful? Some people get rapt while [...]
Our life is often defined by an inner conflict between the ideal and the practical. If we consider the practical alone to be all-important, we [...]
Has our technology become too strong for our morality? - In five minutes, we can access more obscenity than what our ancestors could access in [...]