The highest spiritual vision culminates in compassion, not inaction
Some spiritual seekers think that to avoid bondage and to grow spiritually, they need to reject the world and give up all action. While this [...]
Some spiritual seekers think that to avoid bondage and to grow spiritually, they need to reject the world and give up all action. While this [...]
A foundational philosophical insight is that the material vision and the spiritual vision do not see alike. When we strive to gain spiritual vision through [...]
When we understand how our mind frequently sabotages us in our endeavors to do constructive things, we may become averse to it, deeming it as [...]
We may think of devotion as the sweet emotion we feel on, say, beholding Krishna’s Deity form or hearing a sweet kirtan. Such emotion is [...]
We all know of powerful things that can help or harm. Consider electricity, for example. It can heat, cool, cook, transport and illuminate. But if [...]
When we have to do something challenging, we may struggle and falter. And if this happens repeatedly, we may lose confidence and give up. To [...]
When we see others doing something wrong, we often feel impelled to judge and correct them. This impulse becomes even stronger if we happen to [...]
When starting spiritual life, we may expect different things. Some people expect to levitate; some, to see a mystical light, some, to acquire an aura. [...]
Suppose a tolerant group is interacting with an intolerant group. The tolerant may say, “You can do what you want; I won’t impose my way [...]
When we resolve to lead a principle-centered life, abstaining from indulgence, we sometimes relapse. Irritated, we may beat ourselves up: “Why was I so stupid [...]
We often do things that we regret later. If we look back at why we did those things, we will notice that some voice within [...]
Some people ask, “We are often told to repress our impulses in the name of civilized behavior or spiritual standards. But doesn’t that mean we [...]
While doing things that require concentration, we are sometimes interrupted by unsolicited distractions. For example, while we are meditating on Krishna’s holy names, someone may [...]
When we indulge indiscriminately in sensual pleasures, we experience their actual nature. They are insubstantial, lasting for just a few moments; and miserable, subjecting us [...]
Suppose a horse-rider becomes inattentive about controlling the horse. If the horse gets attracted by some fruit on the side of the road, it starts [...]
When we feel that someone has wronged us, our mind often overreacts, painting them as mean and malevolent. However, in most routine interactions, people don’t [...]
The Gita is a complex philosophical book. Simultaneously, it is a practical spiritual guide. When we understand its essential concepts, we can discern, amidst its [...]
During a war, an army can sabotage its opponents by seizing control of their weapons and then using those very weapons against them. Our mind [...]
One of the most intriguing Bhagavad-gita verses states: Elevate the self with the self, don’t degrade the self with the self; the self is the [...]
Suppose a patient goes to a doctor and, without hearing the patient, the doctor starts giving a prescription. The patient will be taken aback, “I [...]
Suppose in our home we have a fire alarm that can be set to go off whenever any danger signs arise. Some devices are advertised [...]