From renouncing possession to renouncing illusion
Suppose we visit the house of a wealthy friend. During our stay, we get attached to the luxuries there. When we leave that house, suppose [...]
Suppose we visit the house of a wealthy friend. During our stay, we get attached to the luxuries there. When we leave that house, suppose [...]
Suppose we are driving full speed along a road and suddenly thick fog envelopes us. Even if we turn our car lights fully on, the [...]
Suppose we inherit a huge fortune: we may start splurging recklessly. But suppose we learn that the money we have is on loan: we will [...]
When our endeavors don’t lead to success, how can we cultivate gratitude? By contemplating what really matters for us. Aiding such contemplation, Gita wisdom offers [...]
Now Arjuna gets a question at this point, yes I know, even if I agree that material enjoyment leads to misery but still by knowing [...]
If an unhealthy habit keeps recurring despite our best efforts, how can we progress in self-transformation? By changing our attitude toward that habit: we can [...]
When we succeed in giving up some unhealthy behavior, we usually feel encouraged, even delighted. But then seemingly out of the blue, we relapse. When [...]
In next verse Sri Krishna will describe when we fix our faculty on Sri Krishna how we will see this world? How we will see [...]
In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna commends the spiritually realized who see everyone equally (05.18). Krishna is talking about the equality of all living beings as souls; [...]
Becoming emotionally sober - People who get intoxicated frequently act in ways that are short-sighted, stupid or even self-sabotaging. Consequently, we readily recognize the need [...]
Whenever we resolve to discipline ourselves for some worthwhile purpose, we will, sooner or later, feel tempted. To deal with such temptation, we need to [...]
Confused by Krishna’s emphasis on knowledge in the fourth chapter (04.34-42) and especially by his concluding call to fight with the metaphorical sword of knowledge [...]
In the next verse it is explained that devotee will work for Sri Krishna’s enjoyment not for enjoyment for himself. Bg 5.10 brahmaṇy ādhāya karmāṇi [...]
Krishna states repeatedly in the Bhagavad-gita that if Arjuna works without attachment to the results of his work, he won’t be entangled. How exactly does [...]
Now Krishna will clarify this point further how one can stay free from bondage Bg 5.4 sāṅkhya-yogau pṛthag bālāḥ pravadanti na paṇḍitāḥ ekam apy [...]
How Krishna’s teachings reflect both unity and diversity - In the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna deems as childish those who consider sankhya and yoga to be different [...]
Why a message of peace on a battlefield? – The Bhagavad-gita is spoken on the battlefield to a reluctant warrior urging him to fight. Then, [...]
How can Arjuna see everyone equally and still fight? - An often-quoted Bhagavad-gita verse recommends equality of vision (05.18): see everyone equally, because we all [...]
Let's try to understand what is happening till chapter 5 and further: In Arjun’s mind there were two options: action or renunciation, So Sri Krishna [...]
In the Bhagavad-gita’s fifth chapter, Arjuna asks essentially the same question that he asked at the start of the third chapter. “Should he work or [...]
What does remembering God mean practically? - The Bhagavad-gita’s injunction to remember God constantly can seem impossible or even irrelevant. While this directive can be [...]