Gita 04.03 explained
Bg 4.3 sa evāyaṁ mayā te ’dya yogaḥ proktaḥ purātanaḥ bhakto ’si me sakhā ceti rahasyaṁ hy etad uttamam Word for word: saḥ — the [...]
Bg 4.3 sa evāyaṁ mayā te ’dya yogaḥ proktaḥ purātanaḥ bhakto ’si me sakhā ceti rahasyaṁ hy etad uttamam Word for word: saḥ — the [...]
The link between the psychological and the cosmological - The Bhagavad-gita’s third chapter ends by describing how to conquer the inner enemy of lust (03.43). [...]
Revelation is not just a one-time event that happened long ago. No doubt, at extraordinary moments in human history, God interacts directly with humans, without [...]
People interested in the Bhagavad-gita sometimes ask, “Which is its best translation?” The best translation is its translation into life. That is, the Gita’s best [...]