A free entry-pass into our consciousness?
Suppose we were organizing a special event at an elite theater. Would we give a free entry pass to everyone wandering around that area? Certainly [...]
Suppose we were organizing a special event at an elite theater. Would we give a free entry pass to everyone wandering around that area? Certainly [...]
Bg 3.41 tasmāt tvam indriyāṇy ādau niyamya bharatarṣabha pāpmānaṁ prajahi hy enaṁ jñāna-vijñāna-nāśanam Synonyms: tasmāt — therefore; tvam — you; indriyāṇi — senses; ādau — in the beginning; niyamya — by regulating; bharata-ṛṣabha — O chief [...]
Though we are exposed to many distractions, some are more harmful than others. How can we know which distraction is most hazardous for us? By [...]
How to know when desire becomes dangerous? — Desire management series 8 - When we use something powerful like electricity, warning systems such as fuses [...]
Suppose a country has a hostile neighbor, who is constantly trying to infiltrate into its territory. If the boundary between the two countries is not [...]
Suppose a particular coastal area is prone to get flooded because of high tides or sea-storms or tsunamis. Suppose the government constructs a barricade, but [...]
If we are to travel from place A to place B, we need the tendency and the capacity to make the journey. Tendency refers to [...]
Suppose while we are doing some important work, an acquaintance approaches us and starts mumbling and gesticulating wildly. We try to understand what they are [...]
Consider an alcoholic who wishes to give up alcoholism. Breaking free from the addiction is ultimately an inner resolution that they need to make and [...]
We all are shaped by the culture of our times. In today’s world, the culture is extremely sensual and materialistic. Consider, for example, the contemporary [...]
Recovering alcoholics are warned to stay away from things that trigger their desire for alcohol. If, for example, between their office and home lies a [...]
Suppose we had to clean a water tank. We would need to do two things: clean the water already in the tank and regulate the [...]
Suppose a patient’s serious disease such as cancer goes into remission, that is, decreases in severity. But if the patient imagines themselves healed and stop [...]
Suppose a teenager is to stay alone at home. When his parents are leaving, they remind him to bolt the door and activate the security [...]
When scripture urges us to regulate sensual indulgence, our mind objects: “Why shouldn’t I enjoy?” This question misleads by invoking a sense of deprivation. To [...]
To practice spiritual life means to wage an inner war against the illusion created by our lower desires, especially lust. The Bhagavad-gita (03.36-43) vividly outlines [...]
Ours is an action-oriented culture; we like to be on the move. Of course, action is desirable and essential.But action-centeredness can make us forget that [...]
AIDS is an extremely dangerous disease, largely because of its sinister method of attack. Normally when a disease attacks the body, the immune system springs [...]
In sports a backdoor victory is universally considered inglorious. If India deliberately schedulesa cricket seriesagainst Pakistan at a time when all the top Pakistaniplayers are [...]
“I thought I had become free from that attachment. Why has it come back?” Questions like these often describe our inner trajectory as devotee-seekers. When [...]
Intelligence and experience help us see that material enjoyment is temporary and unsatisfying, whereas Krishna consciousness is eternal and supremely satisfying. This vision inspires us [...]