Casual attitude
There isn't much value in thinking about how not to do something; that will only create fear. If I am driving, thinking about how not [...]
There isn't much value in thinking about how not to do something; that will only create fear. If I am driving, thinking about how not [...]
Bg 3.39 āvṛtaṁ jñānam etena jñānino nitya-vairiṇā kāma-rūpeṇa kaunteya duṣpūreṇānalena ca Word for word: āvṛtam — covered; jñānam — pure consciousness; etena — by [...]
How lust distorts our value system - Suppose a shopping mall were built to psychologically manipulate consumers to buy anything that attracted them, without considering [...]
If we have an enemy who wants to destroy us, then we will be alert to the danger and try to protect ourselves. However, if [...]
Suppose an abductor abducts a child and demands a huge ransom from the parents. Even after receiving the ransom, however, they don’t release the child, [...]
Many drug dealers give drugs free to gullible kids. Though the drugs may be delivered free, those dealers do take a price: the price of [...]
Love is the heart’s deepest aspiration; we all want to love and be loved. Through love, we can establish the sweetest connections with others. Yet, [...]
If we move to a new place, we look for a safe locality. Similarly, we need for our consciousness a safe place, a place free [...]
When we indulge repeatedly in some self-destructive desire, it becomes addictive. Addictive desire torments us so severely that it feels like an inner forest fire. [...]
In a war, fighters need to be alert and equipped, for one false move can spell disaster. Those who are casual on a battlefield are [...]
If a shooter misses the target again and again, they may become tired of practicing, lose heart and give up. Or, they can resolve to [...]
When two people engage in an illicit relationship, their embrace is unholy. Lust is such an insidious partner that locks us in an unholy embrace. The [...]
Suppose two warring armies decide to stop fighting. But one army thinks that they have arrived at a treaty that settles the dispute, while the [...]
The world over, freedom fighters are lauded as national heroes. We all have the opportunity to do something heroic: become freedom fighters who strive for [...]
We all long for pleasure. And the world promises us pleasure through its myriad material objects. But materialist propaganda downplays the fact that even the [...]
When a fire starts off, civilians often become panicky and run here and there, making things worse. But seasoned firefighters quickly spring into action – [...]
Suppose a novice firefighter is faced with the task of dousing a huge fire. The sight of the conflagration may overwhelm him – instead of [...]
“What makes good people do bad things?” This is a question that has vexed thinking people throughout history. We all have probably witnessed acquaintances suddenly [...]
If someone were being bound by ropes, that person would naturally fight to untie the bonds. But suppose that person fights instead to hold on [...]
When a fire burns us, we immediately move away from it towards something cooling and healing. Yet when the fire of lust burns us, we [...]
When a moth sees a fire, it becomes so captivated that it rushes straight towards it. The closer it gets, the hotter it feels. However, [...]