Gita 03.33 explained
1-9: KY is better than JY 10-16: If you are not qualified even for KY then practice KK 17-24: If you are qualified for JY, [...]
1-9: KY is better than JY 10-16: If you are not qualified even for KY then practice KK 17-24: If you are qualified for JY, [...]
The difference between repression and regulation - Toward the end of the Bhagavad-gita’s third chapter, Krishna declares that repression is futile (03.33). Yet in the [...]
Developing a healthy relationship with our mind - We don’t usually realize how much our mind controls us. Nonetheless, we do get some glimpses of [...]
Educated about desires or educated for desires? — Desire management series 7 - Suppose we come to know that a pulmonologist died due to chain [...]
When revolutionaries seize power from a tyrannical regime, they often go on a destructive spree, wanting to eradicate all reminders of the dark past. Their [...]
Some people ask, “Don’t the many rules of spiritual life suppress our nature?” No, this apprehension comes from conflating two distinct senses of the word [...]
Self-interested people sometimes try to make their questionable opinions seem respectable by quoting esteemed authorities out of context. By such cherry picking, they make those [...]
We are all products of our past. The circumstances we went through and the choices we made have contributed, for better or for worse, to [...]