Did Arjuna exhibit fight-or-flight response at the start of the Bhagavad-gita?
When we encounter something unfamiliar, we often try to make sense of it by placing it in some familiar conceptual framework. Using such an approach, [...]
When we encounter something unfamiliar, we often try to make sense of it by placing it in some familiar conceptual framework. Using such an approach, [...]
Most of our questions arise from our circumstances — and therein, we usually find answers too. But some questions have no answers at the circumstantial [...]
If we wish to improve the quality of our life, we need to begin by improving the quality of our questions. We may classify the [...]
BG 2.60 yatato hy api kaunteya purushasya vipascitah indriyani pramathini haranti prasabham manah SYNONYMS yatatah -- while endeavoring; hi -- certainly; api -- in [...]
How can we assess our progress toward self-transformation? By noting the process we go through before making choices, both healthy and unhealthy. If we identify [...]
When we try to improve ourselves, we often need to fight against our wants, especially those that are unhealthy or disproportionate. Yet we seem to [...]
Now Krishna starting to describe in next verse how such a person sits. Kim Asita (seating, how he restrain his senses 58 to 63) [...]
Soldiers in a war zone can get burned out due to the stress of always being on high alert. To reduce such burnout, they need [...]
So now how such a person move around vrajeta kim? Kim Vrajeta (moves around world, how he engage senses 64 to 71) => how [...]
We often want to be true to ourselves. Unfortunately, the way some people conceive of authenticity places it at loggerheads with discipline. If being authentic [...]
After this Krishna describes once we get Prasad what happens BG 2.65 prasade sarva-duhkhanam hanir asyopajayate prasanna-cetaso hy asu buddhih paryavatishthate SYNONYMS prasade -- [...]
Whenever we try to change ourselves for the better, we often feel that we need willpower. And we may think of purification as something other-worldly, [...]
Next verse Krishna will describe how we can have inner happiness how we can move from lower level of happiness to higher level of [...]
Our desires often obstruct us in our efforts to improve ourselves; for example, we may resolve to regulate our diet, but may be sabotaged by [...]
Our wants often arise from external factors such as peer pressure, cultural glamorization or corporate-controlled media promotion. During our reflective movements, we may realize that [...]
When the Bhagavad-gita recommends that those striving for self-discipline should withdraw their senses from sense objects (02.58), this recommendation can be misunderstood in two ways. [...]
On hearing the Bhagavad-gita’s recommendation to withdraw our senses from sense objects (02.58), some people object, “Isn’t it cowardly to avoid such temptations?” No, such [...]
For cultivating self-discipline, the Bhagavad-gita recommends two distinct approaches. Let’s understand these approaches. The outside-in approach: When discussing how we can stay steady amid worldly [...]
2nd ch - 4th sec 38 to 53 -> Now Krishna will answer Arjuna's fear of sinful reaction argument. He will address it by [...]
In the Bhagavad-gita, Arjuna’s driving question is about dharma, the right thing to do. Yet Krishna’s response contains far more references to yoga than to [...]
BG 2.10 tam uvaca hrishikesah prahasann iva bharata senayor ubhayor madhye vishidantam idam vacah SYNONYMS tam -- unto him; uvaca -- said; hrishikesah -- [...]