Gita 02.68 explained
So how we do that so that mind will not be swept away by the desire that is described in next verse. BG 2.68 [...]
So how we do that so that mind will not be swept away by the desire that is described in next verse. BG 2.68 [...]
If we live in a house made of inflammable material, we will meticulously avoid throwing about a matchstick, lest it triggers a house-destroying fire. Actually, [...]
To practice spiritual life means to enter into a war against temptation, the temptation for enjoying matter. The arena of battle is our own consciousness, [...]
The life of a spiritual seeker is the life of a warrior – a warrior defending the territory of the consciousness against the forces of [...]
Heart attacks are among the most feared things today. They may reduce a healthy, normal person to an unconscious heap on the ground in a [...]
In today’s society, living without technology is almost impossible. As aspiring devotees living in a techno-centric society, we usually think of technology as a neutral [...]