Gita 01.46 – Explanation 1
Gita 01.46 The Significance Of Our Actions Depends Not Just On The Actions But Also On The Situations In Which We Do Those Actions [...]
Gita 01.46 The Significance Of Our Actions Depends Not Just On The Actions But Also On The Situations In Which We Do Those Actions [...]
Gita 01.46 - When The Eye Disheartens Let The Ear Hearten Audio Link 2: sañjaya uvāca evam uktvārjunaḥ saṅkhye rathopastha upāviśat visṛjya [...]
If a coach had given a good motivational talk to their team before a major match, we might be somewhat interested in what the [...]
The Bhagavad-gita’s first chapter contains the words of primarily two characters: Duryodhana (01.03-11) and Arjuna (01.21-23; 01.28-45). Why does the Gita include Duryodhana’s speech, when [...]
The Bhagavad-gita’s first chapter concludes with a confused Arjuna putting aside his bow in confusion and dejection (01.46). While addressing Arjuna’s concerns, the Gita focuses [...]
From the specific to the universal and back to the specific - Well-written books exhibit an expert balance between specifics and universals, whereby the specifics [...]
We all sometimes experience negative emotions such as loneliness, dejection, resentment, anger or fear. When such emotions arise, we may let ourselves get carried away [...]
If someone devalued our life, treating it as if it were worthless, we would oppose, and oppose fiercely. Yet we often unwittingly undervalue the resource [...]
Suppose we live in a locality where thieves ambush people walking through the streets. We need to know how to protect ourselves from those thieves. [...]
We all face challenges in life. And some challenges are such that we are unequipped or underequipped to face them. At such times, we may [...]
Our emotions can easily mislead us. When we become strongly emotional, we tend to make snap decisions. Such decisions can be detrimental, sometimes devastatingly detrimental. [...]
Our consciousness is always filled with thoughts, for we can never stop thinking. Even the notion of stopping all thinking is also a thought. Thus, [...]
The Bhagavad-gita’s dramatic setting depicts the greatest archer of the times, Arjuna, on the verge of fighting the greatest war of his life on the [...]
The Bhagavad-gita’s dramatic battlefield setting demonstrates the power of the mind. Arjuna, the foremost archer of his times, is about to fight the greatest war [...]
The Bhagavad-gita takes a specific real-life situation, examines it philosophically and offers a universal pragmatic solution. The Gita begins with Arjuna’s weak-hearted capitulation: at the [...]