Let the world’s turbulence point me to your transcendence
Bhagavad Gita 1.27 tan samīkṣya sa kaunteyaḥ sarvān bandhun avasthitān kṛpayā parayāviṣṭo viṣīdann idam abravīt "Seeing his kinsmen standing near, Arjuna’s heart was seized [...]
Bhagavad Gita 1.27 tan samīkṣya sa kaunteyaḥ sarvān bandhun avasthitān kṛpayā parayāviṣṭo viṣīdann idam abravīt "Seeing his kinsmen standing near, Arjuna’s heart was seized [...]
Gita 01.27 The Sequence Of Perception Determines The Consequence On Our Emotion Audio Link 1: https://www.thespiritualscientist.com/gita-01-27-the-sequence-of-perception-determines-the-consequence-on-our-emotion/ tān samīkṣya sa kaunteyaḥ sarvān bandhūn avasthitān [...]
Gita 01.27 - Undiscerning Visual Perception Erodes Spiritual Conviction Audio Link 2: https://www.thespiritualscientist.com/gita-01-27-undiscerning-visual-perception-erodes-spiritual-conviction/ tān samīkṣya sa kaunteyaḥ sarvān bandhūn avasthitān kṛpayā parayāviṣṭo viṣīdann [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan In the middle of the [...]
The Bhagavad-gita’s first chapter depicts how Arjuna was overwhelmed on seeing his relatives assembled on the battlefield of Kurukshetra (01.27). Why was Arjuna so [...]
Get rid of misplaced guilt- Suppose a policeman feels guilty about putting a vicious criminal in solitary confinement. If that criminal has been duly tried [...]
When problems befall us for no apparent reason, we naturally get the question, “Why?” Materialism, today’s ruling worldview, attributes such misery to bad luck. It [...]