Gita 01.10 – Explanation 1
Gita 01.10 - Symmetry Of Structure Stresses Contrast In Content Audio link 1: Gita 01.10 Symmetry of structure stresses contrast in content - The [...]
Gita 01.10 - Symmetry Of Structure Stresses Contrast In Content Audio link 1: Gita 01.10 Symmetry of structure stresses contrast in content - The [...]
Gita 01.10 - Multiple Meanings Of Same Word Reveal The Possibilities Of Multiple Interpretations Audio link 2: Gita 01.10 - Mulitiple meanings of same [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan das Bg 1.10 aparyāptaṁ tad [...]
At the start of the Bhagavad-gita, Duryodhana assesses the strengths of the two armies assembled on the Kurukshetra batl (01.02-01.10). Therein, he mentions the principal [...]
The great materialist dream is that happiness is found in material things:money, sex, TV, video games, 4G net connections. But today this dream finds itself [...]