Gita 01.03 – Explanation 1
Gita 01.03 – The politician seeks martial dedication by emotional manipulation Audio link 1: Gita 01.03 - The politician seeks martial dedication by emotional manipulation [...]
Gita 01.03 – The politician seeks martial dedication by emotional manipulation Audio link 1: Gita 01.03 - The politician seeks martial dedication by emotional manipulation [...]
Gita 01.03 Context can convert compliment into criticism Audio link 2: Gita 01.03 Context can convert compliment into criticism - The Spiritual Scientist [...]
paśyaitāṁ pāṇḍu-putrānām ācārya mahatīṁ camūm vyūḍhāṁ drupada-putreṇa tava śiṣyeṇa dhīmatā Word for word: paśya — behold; etām — this; pāṇḍu-putrānām — of the sons [...]
Be fearless not tactless - Suppose a soldier feels inspired to fight fearlessly against a tyrannical invading army. But if he just charges single-handedly at [...]