Just because we can’t manage doesn’t mean we have to damage. Sometimes things go out of our control and especially if we are supposed to be in charge, then the things going out of control can be overwhelming. If we take this turn of events as a personal loss, then we start reacting from a place of insecurity. And then that overreaction can end up making us do things that are damaging. If instead, we just take a pause, take a deep breath, and then pray for the intelligence to best deal with the situation, then we can ensure that we won’t be damagers; we can be managers, even if not in the way we would have liked to manage things.

Watch this content at: Be managers, not damagers


18.35 And that determination which cannot go beyond dreaming, fearfulness, lamentation, moroseness and illusion – such unintelligent determination, O son of Pṛthā, is in the mode of darkness.