Supervise vice or It Will Catch Us in a Super-Vise
Vice refers to the impure, dishonorable, and destructive desires within us that can lurk in the background, loom in the foreground, or leap into a [...]
Vice refers to the impure, dishonorable, and destructive desires within us that can lurk in the background, loom in the foreground, or leap into a [...]
We are constantly filled with thoughts, many of which pop up and then disappear without us paying much attention. This in itself is not a [...]
Connecting the dots is a sign of perceptive intelligence, while creating the dots that can then be conveniently connected is a sign of deceptive intelligence. [...]
Intelligence means keeping accessible not just the factors that push us toward transcendence but also those that pull us. When we aspire to grow spiritually [...]
Desire abducts with the promise of pleasure and abandons us in the province of trouble. The Bhagavad Gita (18.38) states that sensual desires lead us [...]
Detachment arises from understanding that desire can only be dealt with by tolerating it, never by titillating it. We all face sensual desires, and it [...]
We can choose what truth our life story will demonstrate: what is possible with God or what is inevitable without him. Our life is defined [...]
Wherever we go, we will be carrying our sorry self with us; stop feeling sorry for ourselves, and stop being the kind of person that [...]
One of the fundamental implications of the Bhagavad Gita 16.2 directive to be averse to fault-finding is to avoid engaging in rumor-mongering. This means not [...]
Impurity needs to be tackled by focusing on transcendence, not tickled by fantasizing about indulgence. Whenever we have any impurity within us that triggers desires [...]
Let our thinking not be wishful or fearful; let it be prayerful and purposeful. Our thinking capacity is our most powerful capacity. It is the [...]
The concept of karma has become widespread to the point of having gained mainstream acceptance, both in terms of parlance and worldview. Both the frequent [...]
Detachment becomes easier with discernment. When we understand that what we seek to let go of was never really there or was never really ours, [...]
The difference between finding a criminal and scapegoating someone can be broadly defined by three main aspects: Method: In the case of scapegoating, the accused [...]
Differences in opinion can often lead to conflict, especially in today’s hyper-individualistic age. The tendency now is to view such differences as signs of incompatibility, [...]
To reject an opinion by default just because we dislike the person giving that opinion is just as bad as accepting an opinion just because [...]
Devotion is characterized more by the protection of morality than by the protection of orthodoxy. All theistic traditions worldwide are associated with certain ritual practices [...]
Before we speak our mind, we need to speak with our mind; otherwise, it is our mind that will speak—instead of us, and not for [...]
Just because we can't fix all the problems in the world doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to fix any of them. Nor should we feel [...]
The difference between outer achievement and inner achievement lies in where each seeks to bring our focus. Outer achievement aims to place us at the [...]
Attachment sentences us to be taunted by our desires and haunted by our fears. During the routine course of our lives, we often get attached [...]