Bhagavad-gita as the LED light for our life
Bhagavad-gita as the LED light for our life - On the occasion of Gita Jayanti, let us consider the life-affirming and enriching message of the [...]
Bhagavad-gita as the LED light for our life - On the occasion of Gita Jayanti, let us consider the life-affirming and enriching message of the [...]
Make God both the defining center and the driving force of your life - Devotion is not just about making God the defining center of [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan So now Arjuna is describing [...]
We are never forgotten by God, even when we have forgotten God. When we go through life with many tests and trials, it is natural [...]
Why seeing the good in bad people can be a double-edged sword - Know when seeing the good in bad people is an expression of [...]
Even if we don't feel ready to change, we can change to feel ready. Start from wherever we are, not where we think we need [...]
Four levels at which the mind can mislead us - The Bhagavad Gita 6.34 describes four characteristics of the mind that make it so difficult [...]
Two levels for focusing the fickle mind on Krishna - Even if we can't keep our mind in Krishna through absorption, we can still keep [...]
Three differences between educational warnings about danger and fear-mongering - Fear is one of the most common and widespread human experiences. We live in a [...]
Why our feelings are not our failings- Our feelings are not our failings, but our failure to feel our feelings leads to our failings. When [...]
Two ways to know that our actions are aligned with our God-given nature - What should I be doing with my life? This is a [...]
2.11-2.30: counters first argument – compassion – by Jnana BG 2.12 na tv evaham jatu nasam na tvam neme janadhipah na caiva na bhavishyamah [...]
3 tools for finding a purpose in our life - When we go through life, it is easy to feel lost, not knowing what we [...]
When our mind doesn’t care for the things that matter to us, we don’t have to stop caring for those things. We can choose to [...]
Even if we have to live with our mind we don't have to live for our mind - We are stuck with our mind, but [...]
We can force the world to leave us alone, but we can't force our mind to leave us alone. The key to mind management is [...]
Intelligence means to know when to stick to our words and when to not stay stuck with our words. Our trustworthiness is determined, in the [...]
How Our Words Can Make Us Strangers To Others And Even To Ourselves - If we let our yes become no and our no become [...]
Does surrender necessitate checking the brain at the door of the house of God? - Surrender doesn't mean checking our brain at the door on [...]
How to counter the fickle mind with a stable intelligence - Even if we can't stop our mind from being fickle, we can start making [...]
How ego blocks self-improvement and humility aids self-improvement - Humility can be an extremely empowering virtue, especially for self-improvement. This might seem counterintuitive because people [...]