What intelligence can and can’t do in bhakti
What intelligence can and can’t do in bhakti: On the devotional path, the ultimate success and the immediate process both center on a personal loving [...]
What intelligence can and can’t do in bhakti: On the devotional path, the ultimate success and the immediate process both center on a personal loving [...]
Two views of the role of intelligence in bhakti - Bhakti practitioners often view intelligence ambivalently. On a negative side, they feel that overuse of [...]
A likely feature of our likely future - Few technological advances have changed our daily lives as much as smartphones. Though phones have made many [...]
How remembrance of Krishna is the ultimate spiritual superfood - Superfoods provide multiple benefits, which fall into two broad categories: increasing our energy and decreasing [...]
Our mind as an Alzheimer’s patient - Suppose we are the main caregiver for a dear relative suffering from Alzheimer's. When they become non-communicative or [...]
So boring or sobering? - Suppose we are traveling by boat through a vast ocean and we hear a weather warning on the boat radio, [...]
Going beyond counting our blessings - Counting our blessings is an oft-recommended activity for cultivating gratitude and positivity: When we count our blessings, we learn [...]
Three ways to avoid being misdirected by our mind - Suppose we are walking toward a destination and some passerby suggests we go somewhere else. [...]
Three ways to live more effectively - Suppose we are driving a car. If our car map is unclear, if a distracting partner is sitting [...]
Three practical benefits of remembering Krishna -- The Bhagavad-gita repeatedly recommends that we remember the ultimate reality, Krishna. Let’s consider three practical benefits of such [...]
Three principles for managing stress - Stress is becoming alarmingly widespread in today’s world. Naturally, people are seeking effective ways to deal with it. Sometimes, [...]
When we feel devotionally weak - While practicing bhakti, suppose we feel attracted not to Krishna, but to the world’s allurements. Seeing our devotional weakness, [...]
How to overcome spiritual weakness - When we are spiritually weak, we can’t resist the world's allurements and we get caught in things that don't [...]
Why spiritual weakness is tougher to detect than physical weakness - Why spiritual weakness is tougher to detect than physical weakness - What happens when [...]
How God's love is both universal and particular - God loves us — this is the common teaching of the world’s theistic traditions. And this [...]
When scripture seems unbelievable - On reading that the Bhagavad-gita was spoken to the solar deity (04.01), we may get the question, “How can any [...]
Why we need to transform pain - Suppose we catch an infection. If we aren’t careful, we will transmit it to others. While we are [...]
What’s wrong with unrestrained sexual activity? - Today’s culture glamorizes lust as the source of immediate and immense pleasure. However, such glamorization impoverishes our existence, [...]
Dealing with the mind’s negativities - Suppose we are trapped in a cell with a cellmate who constantly draws our attention to the many terrible [...]
How to change our inner imagery - Suppose we were confined in a room filled with the darkest images of our life. The first thing [...]
The mind as our inner cell and inner cellmate - Suppose we are confined in a cell whose walls are filled with pictures of all [...]