How could Krishna and Arjuna have had their entire discussion on a battlefield?
Some people ask, “What was everyone else in the two armies doing all that time when Krishna-Arjuna were deep in discussion?” They were waiting [...]
How Krishna’s teachings in the Gita go far beyond the peace-war polarity
Given that Krishna speaks the Gita on a battlefield, we would expect it to discuss quite a bit about the two binaries: war or [...]
Arjuna’s strong comeback to Krishna’s rebuke
When Krishna rebukes Arjuna for giving in to weakness (02.02-03), Arjuna’s response is not at all weak. He lets it be known that he is [...]
Gita 02.34 explained
31-38 is Karma Kanda (that is the first application of atma jana) And in next verse Krishna will talk about Kirti so remember Krishna [...]
How surrender to Krishna protects Arjuna from wrong actions
In Krishna’s last instructive words in the Gita, he assures Arjuna protection from all ‘papa,’ which is usually translated as sinful reactions. Additionally, another standard [...]
Does Krishna teach Arjuna that all paths lead to the same goal? – part 2
As discussed in the first part of this series, the idea that all paths lead to the same goal doesn’t hold true for Arjuna’s different [...]
How Krishna uses the same truth to prompt Arjuna to do opposite things
When Arjuna puts aside his bow (01.46) at the start of the Kurukshetra war, one way that Krishna urges Arjuna to pick up his bow [...]
Was Arjuna a pacifist?
Some people allege that Arjuna was a pacifist who was incited to fight by Krishna through the Gita’s message. Was Arjuna a pacifist? Yes, in [...]
Was Krishna a warmonger?
Some people allege that Krishna was a warmonger who goaded Arjuna into fighting. If Krishna had been a warmonger, why would he have personally gone [...]
Does Krishna teach Arjuna that all paths lead to the same goal? – part 1
[This is now the first part of what was previously written as a single article. On the request of readers for greater elaboration of the [...]
Two ways the Gita refers to the modes of material nature
One of the Bhagavad-gita’s most intriguing teachings centers on the modes of material nature (gunas). The modes are threefold: sattva (goodness), rajas (passion) and tamas [...]
The Gita’s two approaches to oneness
Oneness is a common theme associated with spirituality. Let’s consider two ways the Gita approaches oneness: As a spiritual foundation (09.15): The Gita lists oneness [...]
How Krishna’s love is seen in his repetition — and in the variation in his repetition
As Krishna nears the conclusion of his message, he repeats a verse (18.65) that he has spoken earlier (09.34). Why does Krishna repeat himself? Let’s [...]
Krishna demonstrates how there’s no force in love
Toward the conclusion of the Bhagavad-gita, Krishna tells Arjuna to deliberate on his words and then do as he desires (18.63). This statement reveals how [...]
Gita 18.71 explained
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan And if can’t study then [...]
Does Krishna contradict himself in the Gita’s conclusion?
As Krishna approaches the conclusion of his message (18.63-72), he respects Arjuna’s independence by leaving the final decision to him (18.63). Yet he soon makes [...]
Why Duryodhana’s illusion remained whereas Arjuna’s was removed
The Bhagavad-gita’s first chapter contains the words of primarily two characters: Duryodhana (01.03-11) and Arjuna (01.21-23; 01.28-45). Why does the Gita include Duryodhana’s speech, when [...]
How Krishna’s concluding words reveal his loving eagerness that everyone connect with the Gita
Toward the conclusion of the Gita, Krishna expresses his eagerness that everyone connect with the Gita’s overall message at some level or the other (18.68-71). [...]
Gita 01.39- Explanation from Bhakti Shastri Class
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan Bg 1.39 kula-kṣaye praṇaśyanti kula-dharmāḥ [...]
How Krishna concludes by enthroning the path of divine love
In the Bhagavad-gita, the last instructive verse spoken by Krishna is one of its most oft-quoted verses. Celebrated by Ramanujacharya as the Gita’s crest-jewel verse, [...]
How Krishna’s words demonstrate the discipline of speech that he recommends
In the Bhagavad-gita (17.15), Krishna outlines the characteristics of disciplined speech. Let’s consider how those characteristics are demonstrated by Krishna’s words in the Gita. Non-agitating: [...]