How NOT to plan for our future
Just because our plans don't work does not mean that we should not plan; It just means that we should not be attached to our [...]
When to NOT take credit
Some people take credit for things that they have not done and others take credit as a result of their planning things that have just [...]
How to identify insecure people
When a candid evaluation of others is seen simply as a series of compliments and insults, then that person is seen as unreliable and not [...]
Gita 02.11 – Explanation from Bhakti Shastri Class
2.11-2.30: counters first argument – compassion – by Gyana And now Krishna begins that is the next verse. BG 2.11 sri-bhagavan uvaca asocyan anvasocas [...]
When others disturb us…
How we respond to others disturbing behavior reveals our character much more than whatever we might speak in words. Actions speak louder than words. This [...]
How to deal with loss
The best way to deal with loss is not by losing our temper, but by losing our attachments. Whenever we lose something, especially something that [...]
Proving point or improving viewpoint
Proving our point is counterproductive if we are not improving our viewpoint. Sometimes when we know that someone else is wrong and we go about [...]
Three levels of empowerment
To have options is empowering; To have the intelligence to know which options are good for us is even more empowering; And to have the [...]
When losing peace of mind is good
Lessons that disturbed our peace of mind may well take us toward peace of the heart. Sometimes, we may value peace to such an extent [...]
When people behave strangely…
Just because some actions are inconsiderate does not necessarily mean that they are unwarranted or inappropriate. When someone behaves in a way that does not [...]
Gita 02.23 – Explanation from Bhakti Shastri Class
BG 2.23 nainam chindanti sastrani nainam dahati pavakah na cainam kledayanty apo na soshayati marutah SYNONYMS na -- never; enam -- this soul; chindanti [...]
Feeling unsettled: Good or bad?
To be unsettled is unhealthy when we are living a life of values and purposes. But it is healthy when we are settling for complacency [...]
The secret of effective devotion
Devotion is not just emotion, it is emotion expressed through dedicated action. Some people dismiss devotion as simply expressive and sometimes ineffective emotion. However, devotion [...]
Why people think we are disrespectful
Just because something is obvious to us doesn't mean that it has to be obvious to everyone else. To use the word 'obviously' can come [...]
See beyond harsh language
Just because we don't endorse someone's language doesn't mean that we can't empathize with their feelings. Sometimes some people express their concerns in language that [...]
Enthusiasm vs over-enthusiasm
When we find that our enthusiasm is overriding our manners, that is when our enthusiasm is becoming over-enthusiasm. We all are enthusiastic about certain things; [...]
Why relationships are so difficult
Difficulties in relationships are caused not so much by INCOMPATIBILITY as by INFLEXIBILITY. Sometimes when two people cannot get along with each other, a common [...]
Unnecessary inner baggage
What some people considered to be essential luggage, others considered to be dispensable baggage. When we are traveling, we often pack a lot of things [...]
How to develop deep friendships
To help someone in their moment of need is to be a friend and to make a friend for life. Sometimes we wonder: How can [...]
When to forgive but not forget
Suppose someone has done something hurtful. We may be told by others, just forgive and forget. And that is good advice if that person has [...]
Why words hurt
What some people consider friendly banter, others consider to be beastly torture. In this world, different people perceive things differently. And sometimes someone who might [...]