How to develop deep friendships
To help someone in their moment of need is to be a friend and to make a friend for life. Sometimes we wonder: How can [...]
When to forgive but not forget
Suppose someone has done something hurtful. We may be told by others, just forgive and forget. And that is good advice if that person has [...]
Why words hurt
What some people consider friendly banter, others consider to be beastly torture. In this world, different people perceive things differently. And sometimes someone who might [...]
Might we be narrow-minded?
Narrow-mindedness means to think that what matters to us must matter to everyone else. Most of us, if asked, would not consider ourselves to be [...]
Two problems with forced compliance
Maintaining discipline is not about crushing people who have opposite opinions, it is about communicating how we all have a shared interest that subordinates our [...]
Why people see the same thing differently
What some people consider as clarity of vision, others consider as lack of vision. The Bhagavad Gita talks about how our vision of the world [...]
Why we fail in improving ourselves
Why we often fail in our attempts at self-improvement is because we are tricked by our mind into aiming for instant improvement and then we [...]
Same metaphor opposite interpretations
Ocean metaphors for liberation are used by both impersonalists and personalists, but in significantly different ways. Impersonalists hold that our consciousness is like a drop, [...]
Think ocean think big
An ocean metaphor for meaningful life and successful death is given in the Bhagavad Gita 11.28 and 29, where it states that the death of [...]
Seeking guidance from Krishna
Bad situations can explain bad decisions, but they don't excuse bad decisions. Life sometimes puts even the best of us in bad situations. That means [...]
Resisting the mind’s myopia
The mind has a myopia with regards to other's point of view, especially when that point of view challenges the mind's comforts and desires. Myopia [...]
Stay unaffected by desires
The ocean is one of the most prominent realities in nature and scripture draws many lessons from nature. So let's look at what we can [...]
Why change is challenging
The mind wants us to stay in our place because often our current place is a place of subordination to the mind. There are times [...]
Slowing down to go faster
Slow down to let go of the things that slow us down. Sometimes when we are feeling that we are going to slow, at that [...]
Losing the core of who we are
That the world is changing is just life's inevitable reality. But how we are responding to it is not inevitable. It is either intentional or [...]
Hope Amid Hardship
Now, tolerance is sometimes misunderstood to be passivity. But the Gita is not talking about tolerance in those terms. For example, the Gita tells Arjuna [...]
The greatest obstacle to happiness
Attachment to happiness is often the greatest obstacle to happiness. To be happy, be ready to be unhappy. We all long for happiness, but often [...]
How to keep our promises
Fear not the promises that we think we can't keep. Focus on the promises that God makes that he can keep and that he can [...]
Resisting Temptations
Even if we can't stop temptation from coming to us, we can still stop ourselves from going to temptation. We live in a temptation-filled world, [...]
Using Ability with Humility
Humility does not require us to deny or downplay our ability. It just requires that we don't let our ability overshadow our humanity or our [...]
Seeing encouragement amid discouragement
The insecure mind sees discouragement even amid encouragement; The secure mind sees encouragement even amid discouragement. Life is always a mixed bag. Some things in [...]