We are constantly filled with thoughts, many of which pop up and then disappear without us paying much attention. This in itself is not a bad thing, as our minds often generate random or stray thoughts that aren’t worth our attention and that we can’t afford to focus on.

Among these fleeting thoughts, some stand out at the two extremes: they can be either dangerously destructive or delightfully creative. The thoughts of the moment, the ones that arise within us moment by moment, can sometimes become powerful and captivating. Some dangerously destructive thoughts may capture our attention and push us toward self-defeating actions. It is crucial to catch these thoughts before they catch us—to notice and nullify them before they grow too strong.

Conversely, delightfully creative thoughts can also arise. If developed and nurtured, these thoughts can inspire breakthroughs and significant successes. Such creative ideas need to be detected and cultivated before they disappear. This is why it is helpful to be introspective and give a moment of thought to evaluate the thought of the moment.

How Introspection Works: A Driving Metaphor

Consider the metaphor of driving. When we drive toward a particular destination, we don’t only keep our eyes on the road ahead to drive smoothly but also pay attention to the surroundings to catch anything important that might be happening. Similarly, in our inner world, while we go about our tasks pursuing thoughts that help us fulfill our purposes, we should also keep an eye out for other thoughts.

When something unusual happens on the road in front of us, we evaluate the situation and decide whether to steer clear of danger or stop to help if needed. In the same way, we need to keep our inner eyes open for any thoughts that are different from the ordinary flow of random musings. If we notice a thought that is dangerously destructive, we must quickly and consciously shift our focus to something more constructive so that this harmful thought does not grow and take over our consciousness.

On the other hand, if we detect a potentially creative thought with value, we should slow down and pay attention. Depending on the thought’s value and the importance of what we are currently doing, we might briefly note it for later contemplation or pause to unpack its potential.

Engaging Responsibly with Our Thoughts

By thoughtfully interacting with the thoughts that arise in our minds, we ensure that we elevate ourselves rather than degrade ourselves. By offering a moment of thought to evaluate the thought of the moment, we can tap into creative ideas that benefit us and avoid being trapped by destructive ones.


  • Our minds generate countless thoughts, some of which can be dangerously destructive or delightfully creative.
  • Just as we remain alert while driving to notice anything unusual on the road, we should stay attentive to our inner world to catch unusual thoughts.
  • By giving a moment of thought to evaluate the thought of the moment, we can cultivate creative ideas and prevent destructive thoughts from taking over.

Think it over:

  • Recall any dangerously destructive thought that once misled you.
  • Remember any delightfully creative thought that arose within you recently.
  • List three ways you can better pause and evaluate your thoughts when needed.


06.05 One must deliver himself with the help of his mind, and not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well.

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