When we are driving, a good car requires both a brake and an accelerator, and both complement and counterbalance each other. Similar are the roles of fear and faith in our lives. When fear paralyzes us, acting like a brake preventing us from moving forward, it is faith that can act as an accelerator, enabling us to move on with the understanding that the future will be brighter if we play our part. When fear becomes the accelerator, sending our imagination into hyperdrive about all the things that may go wrong, faith can be the brake, helping us to slow down and take whatever steps are possible for us here in the present. When fear becomes the brake in our journey of life, let faith become the accelerator. When fear becomes the accelerator, let faith become the brake.

Watch this content at: When fear paralyzes, do THIS …


18.35 And that determination which cannot go beyond dreaming, fearfulness, lamentation, moroseness and illusion – such unintelligent determination, O son of Pṛthā, is in the mode of darkness.