When people are in the mode of ignorance, they think of religion primarily in terms of grievance and vengeance: that, “Oh, I have been hurt by those people who are from a different group than my group, and not only I will hit them back, but my God will hit them back.” And thus their God becomes an extension of their imagination – God hates the people whom they hate.

When people are in passion: religion is primarily a tool to power, political power, social power – and such people try to convert and increase their own influence. People in goodness see religion as a means to living a more meaningful and peaceful life. And beyond that, in pure goodness, religion is a means to connect with and love God and give oneself fully to Him.

Watch this content at: Four ways people see religion


14.17 From the mode of goodness, real knowledge develops; from the mode of passion, greed develops; and from the mode of ignorance develop foolishness, madness and illusion.