So now after summary about atma jyan Krishna talks about conclusion from atma jyan
BG 2.30
dehi — the owner of the material body; nityam — eternally; avadhyah — cannot be killed; ayam — this soul; dehe — in the body; sarvasya — of everyone; bharata — O descendant of Bharata; tasmat — therefore; sarvani — all; bhutani — living entities (that are born); na — never; tvam — you; socitum — to lament; arhasi — deserve.
O descendant of Bharata, he who dwells in the body can never be slain. Therefore you need not grieve for any living being.
Dehi nityam avadhyo ‘yam.
So, dehi, the person in the body, is Nitya, eternal, and that person is avadhyo, indestructible. Ayam, this atma is avadhya. Vadha is destruction/killing, avadhyo means that which is indestructible.
Dehe sarvasya bharata, all souls are indestructible. It is not that only some special souls are indestructible. Nowadays, people often turn to the internet to learn something. While anyone can put anything on the internet, it is important to rely on reliable sources of knowledge. There are several websites that claim to provide information on determining your next incarnation, with instructions to follow and a special book to purchase for $500 to know your future life. These claims make it seem like reincarnation happens only to a selected few who read the book and apply its teachings, while others will be annihilated. This is a misguided idea. Sarvasya bharata, all souls are indestructible, not only specific souls.
For example, in some religions where knowledge of the soul is not clear, they propose the idea that there are different kinds of souls, and human souls are eternal while animal or plant souls are not eternal, justifying the consumption of animals. However, dehe sarvasya bharata, all souls are eternal. Tasmat sarvani bhutani, na tvam socitum arhasi. The whole point is, Arjuna, do not lament. Do not restrict compassion to the bodily platform and do not allow yourself to be deluded at an ignorant level. Na tvam socitum arhasi. Arjuna, it is not worthy of you to lament. Tasmat sarvani bhutani, do not lament for anyone, neither for your enemies nor for those on your side.
So this is the first section of BG in terms of Krishna’s instruction to Arjuna. Krishna, from 2.11 to 2.30, describes to Arjuna that he should not lament because all souls are destructible. Flight!!!
After describing this, Krishna takes the discussion to the next level, a higher level. What is that? In this level, Krishna describes that if we know that I am not this body, I am soul, okay, I understand. But how do I act in life? Sometimes people say that this material existence is considered to be an illusion, it is temporary, it is transitory. Okay, it is temporary, it is transitory, but how am I supposed to live? How do I come out of this illusion? It is not that today I hear I am not this body, I am soul, and tomorrow I stop acting on the bodily platform. I can try to avoid acting on the bodily platform, but still, I have to live in the material body as long as I have this body, and only at the end, I will become liberated. So how do I go about doing this? For that, one needs to work carefully, one needs to work systematically. So how to do this? One needs to think about how to raise from bodily conception.
The first in that is Karma-Kanda, which means, Arjuna, you are not indestructible; therefore, you should fight, do your duty, and attain victory, attain glory. So here, by acting on the Karma-Kanda level, Karma-Kanda provides material enjoyment, but it is in a Dharmic framework. It leads to gradual elevation. So the section from 31 to 38 is answering Arjuna’s second argument, which was about enjoyment. Arjuna believed he would not be able to enjoy if he fought and killed his relatives. Krishna says, ‘No, if you don’t fight, you will not be able to enjoy.’ That is what Sri Krishna describes from 2.31 to 2.38.
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