Why aligning aspiration with determination is vital
We all have various aspirations, and we often try to increase our determination to pursue our aspirations. However, when our aspiration is misguided, determination alone [...]
We all have various aspirations, and we often try to increase our determination to pursue our aspirations. However, when our aspiration is misguided, determination alone [...]
Whenever we strive for self-improvement, particularly in resisting self-sabotaging indulgences, we may perceive this battle as a personal affair with minimal consequences. This mindset can [...]
Gita 02.16 – Matter has no existence in the sense of having no lasting consequence Audio link: https://www.thespiritualscientist.com/gita-02-16-matter-has-no-existence-in-the-sense-of-having-no-lasting-consequence/ nāsato vidyate bhāvo nābhāvo vidyate sataḥ ubhayor [...]
Let the present moment be the focus of our attention, not the substance of our aspiration Distraction often pulls us away from the present moment, [...]
Never underestimate two things: God's power to make things better and our power to make things worse. During our life, we may sometimes find ourselves [...]