When morality feels like a burden …
When morality feels like a burden - When we try to follow moral standards to live purely, we sometimes feel harassed by temptations that keep [...]
When morality feels like a burden - When we try to follow moral standards to live purely, we sometimes feel harassed by temptations that keep [...]
How to avoid unhealthy reactions to unwanted emotions - Suppose we experience a craving that runs contrary to the principles we hold sacred. Faced with [...]
We all sometimes experience negative emotions such as loneliness, dejection, resentment, anger or fear. When such emotions arise, we may let ourselves get carried away [...]
Now, after describing this, Krishna will again come to the point of how this attainment of anamayam (2.51) is beyond even the Vedas. It [...]
How intelligence and scripture may increase our illusions - The Bhagavad-gita (02.53) cautions that our intelligence can get lost in the forest of illusion created [...]
What does it mean to “follow our heart”? - Suppose we have to decide about complex and consequential issues such as choosing a career, a [...]
Many regularly used words have nuances that we rarely ponder. Consider the word “heart.” When we say, “He suffered a heart attack,” we refer to [...]
How to expand our God consciousness in our relationships - When we strive to become God conscious by doing various devotional practices, we often start [...]
Do emotions reside in the mind? - To understand, consider an analogous question: do sensations reside in the body? Suppose a 20 kg dumbbell is [...]
How are thoughts and emotions related - Thoughts and emotions are sometimes seen as sequential — when we think steadily about something, we feel emotions [...]
Do bad thoughts comprise bad karma? - At one level, yes. Because thinking is also a form of activity, and every activity comes under the [...]
Are thoughts things? - The word “thing” has multiple meanings. It can refer to an object, especially an inanimate object, as in: “There wasn't a [...]
The law of attraction and Gita wisdom - The law of attraction holds that we attract positive and negative things respectively by cultivating positive or [...]
Will negative imagination lead to self-fulfilling prophecies? - When a person having unhealthy habits is told to imagine the disasters that may result if they [...]
BG 2.63 krodhad bhavati sammohah sammohat smriti-vibhramah smriti-bhramsad buddhi-naso buddhi-nasat pranasyati SYNONYMS krodhat -- from anger; bhavati -- takes place; sammohah -- perfect illusion; [...]
The power of negative imagination - Biologically, we are wired more to fear pain than to savor pleasure. In most enjoyable situations, there’s a self-evident [...]
Use imagination to reinforce resolution - We sometimes resolve to not do something, yet end up doing that very thing. For example, we may resolve [...]
We are already in God’s embrace - How we conceive God determines how we relate with him. If we conceive of him as a being [...]
Why compassion matters more than erudition - Suppose we discuss spirituality with a loved one whose conceptions differ from what we have learnt in sacred [...]
Understanding the relationship between love and freedom Love is founded in freedom: Suppose a boy proposes to a girl saying, “I love you. Will you [...]
How Krishna’s relationship with us differs from our relationship with him - The Bhagavad-gita’s conclusion contains a disarming declaration: Krishna is determined to love us [...]