When we start exploring life’s spiritual side, we may hesitate to commit ourselves to any particular spiritual path: “Won’t that make me close-minded and incapable of appreciating other paths?”

Possibly. But if we don’t commit ourselves to one path, we may never appreciate any path. 

To understand why, consider the metaphor of climbing a mountain. The top of the mountain is spiritual consciousness, wherein we relish the ultimate reality. The bottom of the mountain is material consciousness, wherein we pursue worldly objects as life’s greatest pleasures. Various time-honored spiritual traditions are different paths up this mountain. Pertinently, the Bhagavad-gita (04.11) indicates that all seekers are on the same journey to the one ultimate reality. 

If we climb the mountain by any one path, we start perceiving things from a higher perspective. Then, if we interact with others who have climbed the mountain by other paths, we can better understand their perceptions: both perceptions that concur with ours and perceptions that differ. 

Similarly, when we commit ourselves to one spiritual tradition, that committed practice raises our consciousness to a higher, non-material level. When we thus gain some spiritual experiences ourselves, we can better appreciate others’ spiritual experiences. Then, if we study different traditions, we can sense both the universalities underlying all traditions and the specificities characterizing various traditions. 

If, however, we don’t commit to any tradition, we are like reluctant trekkers who don’t climb the mountain. Staying at the bottom of the mountain, we can’t see things from a higher perspective; we can’t appreciate any tradition deeply. In contrast, if we commit to spiritual traditions that raise our consciousness, such commitment doesn’t close our mind – it opens our mind to higher realities, as revealed in both our and other traditions. 

Hence the paradoxical principle: to deeply appreciate various traditions, we need to first go deep into one tradition. 


Think it over:

  • How is exploring life’s spiritual side like climbing a mountain?
  • How does hesitation to make spiritual commitments keep us deprived? 
  • How can committing to one tradition help us better appreciate other traditions?



04.11 As all surrender unto Me, I reward them accordingly. Everyone follows My path in all respects, O son of Prutha.

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Without going deeply into one tradition, we can’t deeply appreciate any tradition Gita 04 11


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