When we experience how the world is filled with big problems, we may think, “What a tiny person like me does or doesn’t do hardly matters.” Actually however, it does matter, at least in our small corner of the world. Therein, we can be sources of light or of darkness based on how much we try. 

Someone may object, “But when I am so constrained by conditions and conditionings, I can hardly do anything.” No matter how constrained we are, we still have the capacity to try and to thereby make a difference, however small. If we feel we can’t do anything, then we can ask ourselves, “Can’t I make things worse? Can’t I hurt others and damage things?” We certainly can. 

Our efforts are reflected in two things that matter: our disposition and our contribution. If our disposition is pessimistic, sullen, complaining, then what we do disturbs others. If our contribution is apathetic, negligent, irresponsible, then what we do disrupts others. If we can thus darken our corner of the world, then we can brighten it too. 

If we strive to cultivate a positive disposition and make a positive contribution, then at the very least, we can ensure that we don’t make things worse than what they are. And beyond that minimum, we may also improve our life and the lives of those around us

That we are agents with the capacity to choose is implicit in the Bhagavad-gita’s call (18.63) to choose thoughtfully. And that capacity is explicitly stated in the Gita’s declaration that we are spiritual beings with free will; our core exists beyond our conditions and conditionings. The more we understand and unleash our spiritual potential, the more we can brighten our heart and our world. 

One-sentence summary: 

Our unwillingness to do our best leaves the world darker; our willingness to do our best makes the world brighter. 

Think it over:

  • Why might we feel that what we do doesn’t matter?
  • How much we try is reflected in two things that matter. Explain. 
  • How does the Gita convey that our choices matter?


18.63: Thus I have explained to you knowledge still more confidential. Deliberate on this fully, and then do what you wish to do.

When what we do doesn’t seem to matter

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