Suppose someone works with medicines day in and day out. Medicines lie all around them. Because of the prolonged familiarity and abundant availability vis-à-vis medicines, they may handle those medicines carelessly. But if they go to an epidemic-afflicted area and give medicines to the sick, they see for themselves those medicines’ lifesaving potency. That first-hand experience inspires them to take better care of those medicines.

Spiritual knowledge given in the Bhagavad-gita is like a life-saving medicine – it cures us of the misdirected desires that make us waste our life in petty or even perverse pleasures. When we gain spiritual knowledge and start applying it, we soon experience its transformational potency in educating and elevating our desires. However, once we start practicing spiritual life regularly, the transformation becomes increasingly inner and subtler. Externally, spiritual knowledge may start seeming like the same old stuff we have heard so many times. Familiarity breeds neglect.

Pertinently, the Bhagavad-gita (18.68) exhorts us to share its knowledge. When we start such sharing, treating it as integral to our spiritual discipline, we see for ourselves that knowledge’s transformational potency. People who were squandering their lives in bad habits or frivolous pursuits become better human beings. Spiritual knowledge empowers them to break free from habits that they had been struggling to give up for years, even decades – habits that many can’t give up even after a lifetime of struggle. Not only that, their overall life becomes more meaningful and purposeful. By applying the spiritual knowledge of bhakti-yoga, they connect with all-pure Krishna, thereby manifesting their best and making constructive contributions.

By seeing spiritual knowledge’s transformational potency, we appreciate it better and start applying it more seriously. Thereby, we start relishing again its potency in raising our consciousness towards higher levels of realization, purification and satisfaction.

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When we distribute what we have, we appreciate what we have Gita 18.68


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