Some people are undiscovered talents. A cricketer might be playing brilliantly, but at a little-known club. Somehow, if that player gets spotted, then those spotting the prodigy are astounded and delighted. The person who spots this talented player also becomes celebrated as the special talent-discoverer.

Similarly, each one of us has undiscovered resources hidden within us, unknown to the world and even to ourselves. In fact, we ourselves are an undiscovered resource. Gita wisdom explains that we are at our core indestructible, non-material beings who have the potential for spiritual evolution. The culmination of such evolution is both satisfaction and contribution.

By connecting with our source, Krishna, who is the reservoir of all happiness, we can relish lasting satisfaction. To understand that we are not fragile creatures subject to destruction by a bug or a bang is an empowering realization. Further, we understand that through the practice of bhakti-yoga, Krishna’s presence and potency purifies us of the inner weaknesses that block us in bringing out our best. With our inner blocks removed, we all can unleash our talents and make worthwhile contributions according to our specific inclinations and situations, , as did Arjuna. The Bhagavad-gita (02.28) states that those who realize their spiritual identity find that realization to be an astounding discovery.

Unfortunately, we go through much of our life, ignorant of both our identity and destiny. Those who spend their whole lives not knowing or not tapping their talents become tragedies, wasted talents. Similarly, the Gita (03.17) states that those who live materialistically waste their lives.

Fortunately, Gita wisdom acts as the talent discoverer for us undiscovered talents. The Gita gives us the spiritual knowledge to understand who we are. And it gives us the spiritual processes for purifying us, thereby realizing our potentials both spiritually and materially.

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We know neither what we are, nor what we can become Gita 02.28


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