The word ‘fix’ can mean ‘focus’ or ‘repair.’ Using these dual meanings, this article title conveys: To repair the mind, focus it on Krishna.

Presently, the mind is like a malfunctioning device. The mind is a subtle device that links us souls with our material bodies and environments – it integrates the information received by the various senses and presents them to the soul for evaluation and response.

Fixing the mind on Krishna provides a sublime fulfillment that renders pale and stale the pleasure from the mind’s pet attachments.

The mind is like a malfunctioning device because it distorts our perception according to its pet attachments. Just as a red-tinted lens makes us see the world as reddish, a mind tainted by, say, greed, makes us see everything it terms of its monetary value. Though the minds of different people are differently tainted, these taints have a common denominator – they are all material taints. They glue the soul’s consciousness to matter and blind it to spiritual reality. Because the mind has thus become impaired, it needs to be repaired or fixed.

The best way to fix the mind is to focus it on the highest spiritual reality, Krishna. He is supremely pure, so contemplation on him purifies us. Remembrance of Krishna acts like a universal solvent that dissolves all material taints. The more we fix the mind on him, the more we realize him to be the source of the best happiness – a sublime fulfillment that renders pale and stale the pleasure from the mind’s pet attachments.

Fixing the mind on Krishna is the essence of yoga, especially bhakti-yoga. By sustained yoga practice, we can make our mind attached to him and apathetic towards its past material attachments. The Bhagavad-gita (07.01) assures that those who fix the mind thus perceive the pivot of reality, Krishna, as he is and thereby perceive everything as it is, connected with him and meant for his service.

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To fix the mind, fix it on Krishna

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