The Gita’s triple use of ‘Achyuta’  – The Bhagavad-gita uses various names for Krishna and Arjuna not just for literary variety or poetic symmetry, but also and primarily to subtly convey pertinent theological points.

Consider the Gita’s three uses of the name Achyuta (the infallible one) to refer to Krishna. These  usages mark key phases in Arjuna’s (and our) devotional journey. Let’s see how.

Arjuna’s first words to Krishna (01.22): When Arjuna changes his plan and desires to observe his opponents instead of fighting them, he acknowledges Krishna’s reliability by using the epithet Achyuta. Though he knew that his request was unusual, he expressed his confidence that Krishna would not refuse or reject him. Even if we seek to do something unproductive or counterproductive, Krishna doesn’t abandon us.

Arjuna’s first address to Krishna after apologizing to him (11.42): After seeing Krishna’s awe-inspiring universal form, Arjuna realized that he had taken the all-powerful deity so cheaply. Fervently seeking Krishna’s forgiveness, he addressed him again as Achyuta, conveying thus his confidence that the infallible Lord would not fail to excuse him. After acting wrongly, if we just seek forgiveness sincerely, Krishna doesn’t hold our past against us.

Arjuna’s last words to Krishna (18.73): After the Gita’s wisdom has enlightened and energized him, Arjuna attributes his positive transformation to the grace of Krishna whom he calls Achyuta. Through this usage, he highlights how Krishna has successfully bailed him out of trouble, thus living up to his earlier promise (09.31). No matter what problems face us, if we seek shelter and wisdom in Krishna’s words, his light and love will surely see us through.

One-sentence summary:

The Gita’s use of the divine appellation Achyuta in Arjuna’s starting request, apologetic glorification and concluding appreciation conveys how the Lord unfailingly stays with us through all our choices, good and bad.

Think it over:

  • What does the Gita’s first usage of Achyuta convey?
  • What does the Gita’s  second usage of Achyuta convey?
  • What does the Gita’s  third usage of Achyuta convey?


01.22: Arjuna said: O infallible one, please draw my chariot between the two armies so that I may see those present here, who desire to fight.

The Gita’s triple use of ‘Achyuta’

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