Four stages in managing desires — Desire Management series 9
Four stages in managing desires — Desire Management series 9 - To understand how desire management can progress in our inner world, let’s compare it [...]
Four stages in managing desires — Desire Management series 9 - To understand how desire management can progress in our inner world, let’s compare it [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya 1-9: From Arurukshato (beginning stage) To [...]
Educated about desires or educated for desires? — Desire management series 7 - Suppose we come to know that a pulmonologist died due to chain [...]
What’s wrong with desirelessness? — Desire management series 6 - Desires often make us do things we regret. On understanding how desires sabotage us, we [...]
How desire is both the lock and the key — Desire Management series 5 - Suppose we are locked in a prison. Suppose further that [...]
How desire takes control of our life — Desire management series 1 - Suppose we get into a car and start it to go somewhere. [...]
How can we reach God? -When we start on our spiritual quest, we may feel that we are far away from God. How can we [...]
To not feel bad on doing bad is bestially bad- Suppose we accidentally step on someone’s foot. We would naturally apologize, ask if they are [...]
What we fear reflects what we hold dea - When we feel fearful, our fear points to something we hold immensely dear, something whose possible [...]
What we see depends on what we want to see - Suppose an alcoholic visits a new city. Though the city may have many attractive [...]
Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan Now in next verse Krishna [...]
Avoid hell in the mind avoid hell in the world - Some people think of hell as merely a belief of some religious groups. Others [...]
Why are we studying spirituality? - We now live in an age where education has become very structured and systematized, wherein educational success is measured [...]
When devotion doesn’t feel good - Suppose a disease weakens us and kills our appetite. If we are provided a healing and energizing medicine, we [...]
Our mind as an Alzheimer’s patient - Suppose we are the main caregiver for a dear relative suffering from Alzheimer's. When they become non-communicative or [...]
Three practical benefits of remembering Krishna -- The Bhagavad-gita repeatedly recommends that we remember the ultimate reality, Krishna. Let’s consider three practical benefits of such [...]
When we feel devotionally weak - While practicing bhakti, suppose we feel attracted not to Krishna, but to the world’s allurements. Seeing our devotional weakness, [...]
How to overcome spiritual weakness - When we are spiritually weak, we can’t resist the world's allurements and we get caught in things that don't [...]
Why spiritual weakness is tougher to detect than physical weakness - Why spiritual weakness is tougher to detect than physical weakness - What happens when [...]
What’s wrong with unrestrained sexual activity? - Today’s culture glamorizes lust as the source of immediate and immense pleasure. However, such glamorization impoverishes our existence, [...]
Dealing with the mind’s negativities - Suppose we are trapped in a cell with a cellmate who constantly draws our attention to the many terrible [...]