We all wish to have a better future. Using whatever talents we have, we often dream of achieving something wonderful, thereby fulfilling our destiny. But then, life may devastate our dreams through one sweeping adversity. 

Such adversity can crush us. If we have lived with a materialistic worldview, considering worldly gain to be life’s defining purpose, we will feel our destiny has been thwarted, that everything we have worked for is lost, that our life has become pointless.  

How can we face such adversity? Can we achieve something that adversity can’t thwart? Yes, if we understand our spiritual essence by studying wisdom-texts like the Bhagavad-gita. The Gita reveals that our destiny is far bigger than even the biggest adversity. We are eternal spiritual beings and are parts of the supreme spiritual being, Krishna. As his parts, we are meant for a life of eternal loving harmony with him, wherein we use all our abilities and resources in his service. And he reciprocates by  filling and flooding our heart with the nectar of unending love.

The Gita (06.22) explains that when we become absorbed in spiritual reality, we gain an unflappable inner calm that is not shaken by life’s adversities. Whatever we may gain or lose materially, the gain of inner absorption in Krishna is so enriching and fulfilling that we no longer crave for anything. 

Being thus internally satisfied, we can work more clearly and effectively to do justice to our potentials. Thus, we can fulfill our outer destiny in this world, making the contributions that we are meant to make. Thereby we relish in this very life inner contentment that keeps us stable, whether we gain outer achievement or not. And eventually, we fulfill our ultimate destiny of attaining eternal life with Krishna.  


Think it over:

  • If we live materialistically, how can adversity thwart our destiny?
  • How can our outer destiny be furthered by pursuing our inner destiny?
  • How does spiritual realization keep us calm amidst life’s storms?



06.22 Upon gaining this he thinks there is no greater gain. Being situated in such a position, one is never shaken, even in the midst of greatest difficulty. 

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Spirituality reveals that our destiny is bigger than the biggest adversity Gita 06 22


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