When we start exploring life’s spiritual dimension, we sense that something eternal exists beyond this world – and that we ourselves belong to that eternal level of reality.

Our spiritual journey takes off when we complement our nascent spiritual sensibility with study of the Bhagavad-gita. This timeless spiritual guidebook outlines both the contours of spiritual reality and the path of our spiritual realization. When we are situated in the mode of goodness – a state of consciousness characterized by introspection and insight – we perceive the eternal as the spiritual essence that permeates all of existence (Bhagavad-gita 18.20). When our spiritual understanding evolves further, we appreciate that the supreme spiritual reality is personal. The Gita reveals that person to be Krishna, the all-attractive supreme who is the source and sustainer of everything. Being thus enlightened, we become wholeheartedly devoted to him (10.08).

Is this understanding of Krishna the culmination of our spiritual learning? No, because the very next verse (10.09) states that such enlightened souls delight in discussing about Krishna and enlightening each other about him.

How can the enlightened keep enlightening each other? Because Krishna’s glories are unlimited. No matter how much we know him, there’s always so much more to know. We all realize and relish him from our individual perspectives. And when we share our personal appreciation of Krishna with others, the understanding and devotion of all the sharers becomes enriched.

Indeed, as our consciousness becomes infused with Krishna, our whole life becomes a process of learning about him. We learn to see him in everything and everything in him (06.30). With such a devotional learning spirit, our appreciation and devotion for him keep deepening forever.

Thus, our spiritual learning culminates in the ecstatic zeal of learning to forever keep learning about Krishna.

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Explanation of article:

Spiritual learning culminates not just in learning about Krishna but in learning to keep learning


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