When a plane wants to take-off in its flight, it speeds up till it has acquired the momentum necessary for sustaining flight.
In contrast, when we want to raise our consciousness towards the spiritual level of reality, we need to slow down its motion at the material level. If we are caught in pursuing this material object and then that material object as a source of pleasure, then we can’t think of anything other than material things.
For a plane, the earth and the sky are more or less belonging to the same category of reality so that the momentum acquired on earth can be used in air. In contrast, for us as souls, matter and spirit belong to two different categories of reality — one that obscures our spiritual awareness and the other that increases our spiritual awareness. The Bhagavad-gita (14.12) informs that for those whose consciousness is dominated by the mode of passion, thoughts are driven by an insatiable craving for worldly things, a craving that leaves no room of the consciousness to explore any reality other than that which promises to fulfill the craving. In the previous verse (14.11), the Gita explains that when the consciousness is dominated by the mode of goodness, there arises illumination that enables the choice of actions that are conducive for one’s growth. Such illumination itself is conducive for the ascent of consciousness because by that illumination we understand that material objects, no matter how new they may appear to be, can’t offer any new pleasure different from the same old bodily pleasures that we have enjoyed for many lifetimes.
As we slow ourselves down materially with spiritual intelligence, we feel inspired to raise it to the spiritual level for relishing ultimately the highest spiritual reality – Krishna, who is the source of the supreme fulfillment.

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Slow down to rise up (Gita 14.11)


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