Our past unhealthy indulgences often create unwanted conditionings that keep haunting us. Being tormented by such conditionings, we may start seeing our past as a curse and become resentful or hopeless.

Offering a more positive vision, Gita wisdom explains that our past is a part of a course – a progressive plan for our spiritual evolution. The Bhagavad-gita (18.61) assures that Krishna is always in our heart, guiding our wanderings. He was there when we were godlessly wanton; he is there now while we are battling our conditionings; and he will be there, no matter what the future brings. Thus, our past, present and future are all within the purview of his guidance.

What is the significance of Krishna’s indwelling presence and enduring guidance? To understand, let’s look at this Gita section. We all are bound to act according to our nature (18.59-60). We are riding a bodily machine which is the seat of our conditioned nature – and accompanying us is our Lord, who is also the Lord of material nature (18.61). When we surrender to him, he guides us beyond material nature towards inner serenity and spiritual liberty (18.62).

The import is that we need to work not for or against our nature but with it for Krishna. Whatever our weaknesses and strengths coming from our nature, he can integrate them into his all-embracing plan. Our weaknesses serve as forceful reminders that we need Krishna to protect us from our lower side. And our strengths serve as precious opportunities for us to contribute in a mood of service to him.

With this evolutionary vision of divine providence, we stop treating our past with revulsion. Seeing it as a preparation for our devotional growth, we confidently and determinedly make choices that take us from our present position towards destination Krishna.

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See your past not as a curse but as a course | Gita 18.62


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