We sometimes think that we know a lot. Yet no matter how much we know, still, what we know is always lesser than what we don’t know. We usually operate within what we know, establishing our routines and executing our responsibilities within that zone.

Yet periodically, we encounter things that we don’t know – not just factual details that a Google search reveals, but also foundational insights about unknown aspects of know things. For example, we might think that we have our life mapped out, but something or someone might turn out in a way that we didn’t expect. At such times, we might, if we have sufficient power, force our belief on reality, but for how long? Facts always win, simply because of being facts. 

The same holds true if we impose our opinion on someone who has a better grasp on reality than us. If we try to use our specious logic or brute force to crush their opinion, we will defeat ourselves in the long run. 

Whenever confronted with the unknown, if we strive to check whether we are wrong, that learning attitude will not only empower us in that situation but also help us learn something new about the structure of reality that can empower us lifelong. 

Indeed, a learning attitude was what Arjuna adopted when he surrendered to Krishna, seeking understanding (Bhagavad-gita 02.07) and acknowledging the futility of all the reasoning he had been doing till then (02.06). He became empowered by the Gita’s timeless wisdom because of his willingness to learn. We too can be empowered if we seek Gita wisdom amidst our confrontation with the unknown. 


Think it over:

  • What is wrong with proving we are right?
  • How does probing whether we are wrong empower us?
  • Is there any situation where you may be better off probing rather than proving your understanding of things? 



02.07 Now I am confused about my duty and have lost all composure because of miserly weakness. In this condition I am asking You to tell me for certain what is best for me. Now I am Your disciple, and a soul surrendered unto You. Please instruct me.

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Explanation of article:

Just as our body needs physical nutrition, our soul needs metaphysical orientation  Gita 01.30


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