Suppose we are driving a car and come to an intersection. If we don’t know which way to turn, we would ask someone reliable for direction.

In our life-journey, however, we rarely seek such direction. Today’s materialistic worldview makes us believe that life is meant for worldly pleasure. Accordingly, we choose that path which promises the maximum worldly pleasure. But when all paths threaten such pleasure, we feel perplexed. Still, instead of enquiring whether life has some higher purpose, we still keep seeking worldly pleasure, often making things worse.

Arjuna demonstrates the benefit of seeking spiritual guidance amidst perplexity. Before the Kurukshetra war, he faced a crippling dilemma. If he didn’t fight, his family would lose their rightful kingdom. If he fought, he would lose his venerable elders, Bhishma and Drona. To resolve this dilemma, he humbly turned towards Krishna for guidance (02.07).

To guide him, Krishna spoke the Gita. It explained that we all are souls, eternal parts of the all-attractive supreme, Krishna. All souls are on a multi-life journey of spiritual evolution towards eternal love and joy. Our various duties are meant ultimately to further that evolution. For evolving thus, we need to act in a mood of loving service to Krishna and harmonize our duties with that mood. Understanding this principle enabled Arjuna to regain his composure and act confidently (18.73).

During our life-journey, we too may face perplexities – lose-lose situations where all options seem to deprive us of worldly pleasure. Amidst such perplexities, if we humbly turn towards Gita wisdom, we will experience security in our eternal connection with Krishna. That inner shelter will decrease our fear of losing worldly pleasure and will facilitate spiritual clarity. Then, we can pray and ponder how best to serve Krishna in that situation, thereby finding a wise way ahead.

Think it over:

  • Amidst perplexity, how does materialism impel us to act dumbly?
  • How did Gita wisdom resolve Arjuna’s dilemma?
  • Amidst perplexity, how can the Gita help us act wisely?


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If we think humbly, we won't have to act dumbly Gita 02 07


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