How spiritual experiences affect our spiritual journey
When we embark on a spiritual journey, we may read in wisdom-texts about saints who have spiritual experiences, wherein they feel some sublime joy or glimpse some extraordinary level of reality. We too may long for such experiences. While such a longing is understandable, we need to be careful that it doesn’t divert us from our spiritual journey.

To understand how we may get diverted, let’s compare the spiritual journey to mountain-climbing. Therein, the bottom of a mountain is like material consciousness, and the top of the mountain is like spiritual consciousness. From the mountaintop, we can see a delightful view constantly. Similarly, we can relish spiritual joy constantly when our consciousness becomes steadily spiritualized. 

During our way to the top, we might sometimes glimpse a good view. Similarly, during our spiritual journey, we might sometimes get spiritual experiences. If those sights — or experiences — inspire us to move on, that’s desirable. But during mountain-climbing, if we are looking only for good sights, we may go off the way or stop going up if the way takes us through dark, dreary areas. Similarly, during our spiritual journey, if we are looking only for spiritual experiences, we may go off the way or stop pushing on if we go through a dry patch wherein no spiritual experiences are forthcoming. 

Pertinently, the Bhagavad-gita (06.25-27) stresses the repeated refocusing on yoga practice necessary to rise to the state of blissful spiritual absorption (06.29-31). Indeed, what takes us to spiritual consciousness is the expressway of yoga practice (06.28).

To conclude, we can be grateful if we get spiritual experiences, but we need to focus on moving ahead steadily on the spiritual expressway to rise to higher consciousness.

One-sentence summary:

Seek not to get spiritual experiences – seek to stay on the spiritual expressway and spiritual experiences will eventually come.

Think it over:

  • How can spiritual experiences help our spiritual journey?
  • How can spiritual experiences hinder our spiritual journey?
  • Have you had any spiritual experiences? How did they affect your spiritual journey?


06.28: Thus the self-controlled yogi, constantly engaged in yoga practice, becomes free from all material contamination and achieves the highest stage of perfect happiness in transcendental loving service to the Lord.

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How spiritual experiences affect our spiritual journey Gita 06.28


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