How Krishna’s relationship with us differs from our relationship with him – The Bhagavad-gita’s conclusion contains a disarming declaration: Krishna is determined to love us (18.64: ishto ‘si drdham iti). This is no empty claim  — he accompanies us as the Supersoul lifetime after lifetime (18.61), though we hardly ever turn toward him. His determination to love us is especially remarkable because he doesn’t need us — he is perfect and complete in himself (Ishopanishad 1). 

Why, then, does Krishna love us so much? Because he desires us. He is unlimitedly rich with love and wants to expand his eternal circle of love. Though he has unlimited associates in that circle, he wants us all to join it, for he treasures each one of us. He wants to relish our love for him, and he wants us to relish his love for us. Indeed, the entire material existence is the opportunity he has provided for all of us to realize twin truths: his love for us is the only ultimate reality; and redirecting our love to him is the only way we can fulfill our innate longing for life and love eternal. 

Unfortunately, we don’t desire Krishna much or even slightly. We are too captivated by the countless worldly objects that promise us pleasure. Still, we do need him, as we realize during those times when the things we care for seem to be slipping out of our hands. We can also realize our need for him by contemplating that our existence depends on many factors beyond our power to control or even comprehend. 

Somehow or the other, if we turn to him, he provides us the process of bhakti-yoga by which we can increase our desire for him (12.09), thereby powering our journey to an eternal ecstatic reunion of love with him. 

One-sentence summary: 

Krishna doesn’t need us, yet he desires us; we need Krishna, yet we don’t desire him. 

Think it over:

  • Why does Krishna desire us?
  • How can we appreciate our need for Krishna?
  • How can we increase our desire for Krishna


18.64: Because you are My very dear friend, I am speaking to you My supreme instruction, the most confidential knowledge of all. Hear this from Me, for it is for your benefit.

How Krishna’s relationship with us differs from our relationship with him