How devotion leads to dynamic intelligence  – Our destiny is determined by our decisions; the choices we make can radically alter our life’s trajectories. Unfortunately, the world can be so complex and bewildering that we end up confused about our choices: both our purpose (sadhya) and our path (sadhana).

Gita wisdom helps remove such confusion by explaining Krishna to be the supreme sadhya and bhakti to be the supreme sadhana. And the Chatur-Shloki Gita explains in its first two verses how those who understand these twin truths mold their lives accordingly. Nonetheless, while they function in the world, they still face the challenges of making difficult decisions. And Krishna guides them by providing them intelligence from within their hearts. He specifically provides guidance that helps them come to him.

The compound word “buddhi-yoga” used here is pregnant with meaning. Buddhi connotes the faculty that enables us to discern and decide; yoga connotes in its etymological essence the act of yoking or connecting or harmonizing. Thus, buddhi-yoga can have two implications:

  1.   The buddhi that enables us to do yoga: This meaning gels naturally with the straightforward reading in the context of the verse, specifically the second half of the verse. Krishna provides those who serve him affectionately with the intelligence that enables them to come to him. Coming to Krishna is the highest perfection of yoga, as has already been indicated in 6.47, for Krishna is the ultimate reality.  
  2.   The yoga that provides us buddhi: This meaning gels with the first half of the verse. If we consider worshiping and serving Krishna with an affectionate disposition to be yoga (it is after all the essence of bhakti-yoga), then that yoga attracts Krishna’s mercy, who in turn provides us the necessary buddhi.

One-sentence summary:

When we serve Krishna affectionately, he lovingly reciprocates by giving us the dynamic intelligence to choose wisely and unite with him.

Think it over:

  • What are the two major things to know in life?
  • What guidance does Krishna provide to the devoted?
  • What are the two meanings of buddhi-yoga?


10.10: To those who are constantly devoted to serving Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me.

How devotion leads to dynamic intelligence

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