We often pray to God for things that are beyond our power to get. By pleasing him, we hope to receive those things as his presents.

The Bhagavad-gita (07.16) appreciates such an attitude as pious; those lacking in piety often go, when distressed, to myriad things other than God. But the Gita also states (07.19) that such people, after many lifetimes of spiritual evolution, come to the realization that Krishna is everything. The import of this realization is understood from the Gita (10.41): Whatever is attractive in this world reflects a spark of Krishna’s all-attractiveness. Whatever enrichment we had hoped to get by seeking his presents, we can get all that and more by relishing his presence in our heart. When he manifests his presence there, and we become attracted to him and absorbed in him, we relish the supreme fulfillment. Thus, we realize that he is everything, that his presence is his greatest present.

Of course, while living in this world, we need material things. And Krishna provides those too, but not always according to our expectations. If we hold on to our expectations, then, even if he manifests his supremely sweet presence, we won’t be able to taste it.

Thankfully, Gita wisdom spotlights our essential spiritual nature, thereby making us more malleable to Krishna’s plan. Such malleability helps us practice bhakti-yoga determinedly, whatever be our material circumstances. By thus focusing on him, we relish his presence even amidst those circumstances, and find a way to persevere and evolve through them.

Over time, we find ourselves enriched with something far more enduring than his specific presents – the realization that devotion enhances our spiritual stamina; that it enables us to live without something we had earlier deemed indispensable; that with Krishna within us, we can face life’s worst and emerge safe and even strengthened.

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God’s presence is his greatest present Gita 07.16


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