Link to purport by A C Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada
Transcript of Bhakti-Shastri class on this verse by Chaitanya Charan
Bg 12.16
anapekṣaḥ śucir dakṣa
udāsīno gata-vyathaḥ
yo mad-bhaktaḥ sa me priyaḥ
anapekṣaḥ — neutral; śuciḥ — pure; dakṣaḥ — expert; udāsīnaḥ — free from care; gata–vyathaḥ — freed from all distress; sarva–ārambha — of all endeavors; parityāgī — renouncer; yaḥ — anyone who; mat–bhaktaḥ — My devotee; saḥ — he; me — to Me; priyaḥ — very dear.
My devotee who is not dependent on the ordinary course of activities, who is pure, expert, without cares, free from all pains, and not striving for some result, is very dear to Me.
anapekṣaḥ, pakṣaḥ is partiality or group, anapekṣaḥ is one who does not take any sides,
SP said devotees do not have to take part in Theo-politics, means doing what we wanted to do in the name of religion.
śucir, clean. External and internal cleanness
dakṣa, expert. Devotees expert in doing the allocated service to them.
udāsīno gata-vyathaḥ,
udāsīno, a devotee is not attached to any material thing
gata-vyathaḥ, given up lamentation
sarvārambha-parityāgī, one who give up the desire for sense gratification.
yo mad-bhaktaḥ sa me priyaḥ, such a person is very dear to Me.
This all is describing very qualities of a devotee.
SP Purport: A devotee never takes the part of a particular party; therefore he is carefree.
End of transcription.
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