Today, humanity is the greatest danger to humanity – not just by direct attacks by humans on other humans but also by human exploitation of our planetary home.
Why does humanity work against humanity? Because humanity is meant for spirituality.
Presently, we live a split existence. We are spiritual beings encased in material bodies.
In the human body, we souls have a consciousness developed enough to pursue more pleasure than what the body offers. In this pursuit, we frequently encroach on others’ quota and disrupt the natural order that supplies the needs of all living beings.
Our longing for more happiness than what the body can offer us can be fulfilled only at the spiritual level. In fact, our developed consciousness is meant for our spiritual evolution: for us to understand that we are souls, eternal parts of the all-attractive supreme Krishna with whom we are meant to rejoice eternally in spiritual love.
When we neglect spirituality, we seek worldly pleasures far more excessively and destructively than other species, thus becoming dangers for ourselves and others.
The Bhagavad-gita (16.09) cautions that when we accept a godless anti-spiritual worldview, we become self-destructive and world-destructive. This is seen in weapons of mass destruction developed using the best scientific brains as well as in perverted ideologies that make humans hate other humans.
When we seek to fulfill our longing for happiness spiritually, we start understanding that our common interest lies in our spiritual growth, culminating in our ecstatic eternal connection with Krishna. For gaining such spiritual realization we are not competitors, but are partners: “I can become spiritually realized and so can you. In fact, your spiritualization can inspire me towards spiritual realization.”
By thus seeing humanity as a unity in the pursuit of spirituality, humanity can move closer to harmony.
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Explanation of article:
SPIRITUALITY is the basis of humanity