Sometimes we face dark and disturbing problems in our life at the social, financial, physical, psychological or even spiritual levels.

While faith can have many different definitions at different levels of spiritual evolution, at a practical level, it means taking one step at a moment towards Krishna even when the whole path isn’t clear. By taking that one step of faith, we move forward and get the confidence and the clarity to take the next step forward – and the next step so forth.

The Bhagavad-gita demonstrates this pragmatic progressive application of faith when Arjuna on being overwhelmed by confusion takes the one step that is clear to him: the step of turning to Krishna for guidance (02.07). By the time Krishna completes expounding the message of the Gita, Arjuna becomes confident and clear about carrying out Krishna’s will (18.73). And during the Gita’s narrative, Krishna tells the guiding principle that can give us guidance: If we try to prayerfully and lovingly serve Krishna according to the best of our capacity, Krishna will give us the intelligence from within to keep moving closer to him (10.10)

As is rightly said, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step – and is sustained by a single step. This principle applies not just to a physical journey, but also to our spiritual journey towards Krishna. Even when we can’t see the full path ahead, if we just use our God-given intelligence, we can know that there’s one thing we can always do: turn to Krishna with prayerful devotion. With such sincere prayerfulness, complemented by seeking guidance from Krishna through his representatives, we can take the one step of faith even on a dark road that will progressively propel us towards illumination both internally and externally.

Explanation of article:

Faith means to take one step towards Krishna when we can’t see the whole path


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