Sometimes, life afflicts us so grievously that we feel broken, tearful and blinded by confusion and dejection. How can we move ahead when our vision is thus blinded? By seeing with our ears. 

Bhagavad-gita demonstrates this principle. At the Gita’s start, Arjuna was so overwhelmed by grief that his bow started slipping from his hands (01.28), his eyes became filled with tears (02.01), and he lost the will to do anything (01.46).

However, instead of passively giving in, he consciously turned to Krishna for guidance (02.07). And he heard the Gita’s message of immortal love. That message raised his vision above his precarious material situation to his imperishable spiritual essence. As his vision rose, his consciousness expanded so that he could see that despite his frustrating situation, a benevolent divine plan was still operational. By thus situating himself in spiritual understanding received by hearing, he became filled with clarity and energy (18.73).

Amidst tears, we too can become illumined and animated. How? By hearing Krishna’s message in the Gita and letting it become our eye for looking ahead. By the Gita’s vision, we realize that we as souls are still indestructible and that we are still parts of Krishna, who is always our benefactor. When we practice bhakti-yoga, we become tuned to hear Krishna internally in his Supersoul manifestation. Thereby, despite the darkness around us, we will spot a ray of light and get inspired to move ahead, taking small steps towards a sustainable solution. 

Therefore, rather than giving in to our fears, let’s be all ears for Krishna. By taking his sublime guidance, cultivating his divine remembrance and sensing his serene presence, our tears and fears will gradually go away, and our way ahead in life will become clear. 


Think it over:

  • How did the Gita guide Arjuna?
  • How can we see with our ears amidst tears?
  • How will our way ahead become clear? 



02.01 Sanjaya said: Seeing Arjuna full of compassion, his mind depressed, his eyes full of tears, Madhusudana, Krishna, spoke the following words.

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Even when our eyes are full of tears, we can still choose to be all ears Gita 02 01


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