Suppose we are stuck with a slow, noisy, messy car in a congested and polluted place. If we can’t change our place or our car, we may feel helpless. But even in that condition, we can slowly drive our car to a better place.

What applies to driving also applies to living. We are sometimes caught in terrible situations that are unchangeable. Nothing we do seems to be working. If we are not to sink into hopelessness, we need to differentiate between the things we live with and the things we live for.

The things we live with: Life places us among many things that just can’t be changed, or at least can’t be changed quickly. Such things that we have to live with may include our family situations, our financial levels, our social relations, our physical limitations and our psychological inclinations. Though these define us presently, they don’t define us permanently.

The things we live for: These center on our aspirations, which are shaped by our conceptions of our identity and purpose. Gita wisdom expands those conceptions, showing that we aren’t prisoners of our situations. It explains that we all are indestructible souls who are parts of the all-loving Supreme, Krishna. He is not a remote principle, but is an indwelling loving person. All situations are opportunities to evolve spiritually, by connecting with him and thereby gaining sublime strength. The more we evolve in our spirituality, the more our consciousness rises above our situations, revealing how we can better deal with those situations (Bhagavad-gita 18.58).

However bleak the things we live with, if we focus on the things we live for, we can create a better future for ourselves.


Think it over:

  • What are some things you have to live with?
  • What would you like to live for?
  • How can Gita wisdom help you focus on what you live for, not on what you live with?



18.58 If you become conscious of Me, you will pass over all the obstacles of conditioned life by My grace. If, however, you do not work in such consciousness but act through false ego, not hearing Me, you will be lost.

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Even if we can’t change what we live with, we can change what we live for Gita 18 58


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